What is acute psoriasis?

The most serious problems in patients who have psoriasis are afflicted with this disease. What acute? Accompanied by negative symptoms, psychological discomfort, and the patient requires a medical intervention is mandatory.

The causes, development, as psoriatic plaques is quite diverse. There is often recurrence of the disease in the absence of a triggering cause, i.e. spontaneously. Therefore, learn how to remove worsening of psoriasis, you need to understand factors provoke him.


Factors that contribute to the development of psoriasis

The reasons psoriatic plaques until the end of the exacerbations studied. Skilled with accompanying recurrence and negative symptoms will continue for a long time.

The most common reasons that can cause the development of:

  • excessive physical load;
  • a stressful situation, an emotional breakdown;
  • chronic infections of the body;
  • if the patient's endocrine system disorders;
  • the sudden change of climatic conditions;
  • wrong diet;
  • long-term use of some medications;
  • alcohol, cigarettes;
  • Chemistry irritation appliances and cosmetics.

So maybe at any time of year, but autumn and winter are most commonly seen in psoriasis. This is possible because of a positive effect on the skin covers of natural ultraviolet rays in summer, patient, speaking as a preventive to the development of psoriasis.

This term is the same distortion, psoriasis (winter and autumn) observed in the lack of sunlight and low temperature effects on the body. Therefore, as a rule, this period increases in the incidence of viral diseases, reduce the immune system and, therefore, slimming, body construction is weak.

It should be noted, atypical psoriasis sometimes as the dose increases, the summer and spring. In this case, the skin exposure to sunlight provokes the inflammatory process. Skin protection is recommended in these patients of opportunities for the light of the sun during the summer months.

Acute development of symptoms

Usually the recurrence of psoriasis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • popular education, then disappear on the skin which stays, light pink film;
  • injury to the skin of the areas are also popular;
  • the patient the skin, redness, unbearable itching and flaking visible;
  • notes a feeling of dryness and tension of the skin.

When you are prompted similar symptoms, you should consult a dermatologist provides treatment to stop in time too because the development of psoriasis.


General illness, pregnancy, and after birth

Exacerbate psoriasis in patients during pregnancy, perhaps 10-20% of the cases in improving the overall situation late in the first trimester you may experience (50% of cases). The exact causes of this disease isn't known until the end of the course, but certainly known, high estrogen and progesterone, cortisol and indicators that contribute to this state of experiencing immunosuppressive action, anti-inflammatory exposed.

Guess psoriasis pregnancy, and maybe his lack of, considering a history of previous pregnancies. Usually 87% in the case of a subsequent pregnancy flows in a similar way, a previous. A question that bothers many parents, what is ACUTE psoriasis, and how to prevent it?

It is important to remember, during pregnancy there is a delay a patient's predisposition to psoriatic the doctor must findings. Otherwise, general symptoms of psoriasis can lead to early start, birth, and child birth and malnutrition.

Hormone, re-birth and breastfeeding for women with the organism after that can give you "undo" (adverse effects), accelerated psoriasis develops. The reason for this is recreated as a result of the body birth in general. 16 of the patients surveyed 6 women climbed after birth psoriasis and heavy flowing. 8 observed global average, and as a result he showed himself in such a way that only 2 young women birth psoriasis.

Usually, after giving birth are not recommended drug therapy (except in pathological cases), the probability of falling of the drugs through the mother's milk the baby.

Acute psoriasis

May be acute because of the reasons that it is so different, that the treatment of disease should be comprehensive. For this, necessary a Special diet, physiotherapy, medical tools and prevention.


NUTRITION. Basic treatment acute psoriasis, Allergy, diet, therefore, should be revised, diet, and turn to him more milk products. A positive effect of psoriasis include, herbal diet, eat more than vegetables and fruit which you set to allow studies of the gastrointestinal tract. Also, the opening menu diet recommends fish, baked, wholemeal bread and butter with additional.

During acute illness, not food salty, smoked, fatty, fried and canned food. There are also prohibitions diet of fast food and ready-to-eat, drink sugary fizzy drinks. Should not be taken with alcohol-containing beverages.

DRUG TREATMENT. Account should be taken, taking this treatment is accompanied by soothing, immune, anti-allergy drugs and enterosorbents. The symptoms of this serious development is assigned to hormone therapy.

Traditional treatment includes:

  • assigned by the calming period, as in acute stress situations that can cause emotional load and possible complications of disease;
  • relieving swelling, and painful itching recommended antihistamines intake;
  • Senators assigned to draw toxins from the body quickly;
  • recovery of the intestinal microflora is done with special medications that are used.

Apart from that, it can be doctor prescribed acute, intake, folic and lipoic acid, contributing to the accelerated regeneration cover, as well as vitamin therapy.

THE APPLICATION FUNDS. Spicy ineffective symptoms of psoriasis using external medication, other treatment is recommended primarily. Acute positive effects we are supplying the following ointment:

  • sulfuric;
  • salicylic;
  • zinc;
  • external funding with the addition of tar and solidol.

The acute form of treatment of psoriasis there are external tools, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, accelerating the flakes exfoliate. It is important to remember this treatment (local and global) is done only after consultation with your doctor, and self is a side effect with certain drugs that can lead to a negative result.

Physical therapy. That shows acute symptoms of psoriasis the following activities:

  • cryotherapy the low temperature significantly reduce the process of inflammation;
  • phototherapy ultraviolet rays suppress the immune activity affecting the treatment process;
  • leech therapy — leeches, the use of the most effective for acute psoriatic arthritis.

In addition, doctors of treatment acute psoriatic holiday, the Black Sea and the Dead Sea, where the climate is most appropriate.

WAYS TO TREAT PEOPLE. Virtually all patients this disease for a long time, I know how to remove it with worsening of psoriasis folk medicine.

public methods

The most popular recipes acute:

  • lotion it is recommended to cook at home blend herbs (licorice root, burdock root, swamp air, nettle and back), received an equal number of. A mix of herbs (1 tablespoon) sealed hot water is left until it cools, then clean with a napkin moistened in a solution and is applied to the inflamed skin site;
  • often acute use, ointment, lard internal + toadflax hay. Previously waterlogged Lanka and added oil, then cool and the ointment is used for the target;
  • gain to have a therapeutic effect, it is recommended to use a bathroom at home with the addition of sea salt.

What we must remember psoriasis cannot treatment quickly, but of course all the requirements (diet, prevention and drug treatment) the possibility of long-term to achieve remission is quite high.